Ulrich Lebeuf is a French photographer, born in 1972. He is also the artistic director of the MAP Photography Festival in Toulouse and conducts workshops in France and abroad.
A member of agence MYOP since January 2007, his photographic work has been published in Le Monde, Libération, L’équipe, Géo, National Geographic. For over fifteen years, the photographs of Ulrich Lebeuf have been made in the theater of current affairs: places of conflict or power, places where history is decided and written. His approach is direct, documentary and frontal, with a detachment and richness of detail.
His work has been the subject of exhibitions and screenings, including "AZF" at the Art and Architecture Centre of Toulouse (2003), "Modern Violence" at the Terre d’images festival in Biarritz (2004), "Palestine" during the Festival du Scoop in Angers and "Keep the Distance" at Espace Lhomond in Paris (2005). Originator of the cultural project “Territoires de fiction”, his series "Ère de jeux" (The Playground) and "En attendant mon tour” (Waiting my turn) were presented at the opening of the Rencontres de la photographie in Arles (2006), the galerie du Château d’eau in Toulouse, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie and at la Villette in Paris (2007).
Today, while continuing his work for the press, he focuses more on his personal work, where research occupies an important role, and where he alternates photographic processes according to the subject matter: from color to black and white, through Polaroid, or processes close to painting.
In 2019, he presented his latest serie, KHAOS, during the Rencontres d'Arles and in a book, published by Editions de Juillet.